TRAP/J 2.1 Manual

Generating an Adapt-Ready Application

Follow these steps to generate an Adapt-Ready application. It will be helpful to look at the Generator Interface schematic while going through these steps.

  1. Copy and paste the root packages of your application over to the TRAP-J-V-2.1 folder.
  2. Launch the Generator Interface by double-clicking on the generatorInterface.bat file.
  3. In the Generator Interface, click on the "Load Project" button.
  4. Browse to the TRAP-J-V-2.1 folder.
  5. Select your application's folder and click "Open." Your application's package structure will be shown in the Application View on the left. You can expand package nodes to view the classes inside each package.
  6. Select some classes to make adaptable by checking them in the Application View. Additionally, if you would like to adapt a Java library class, click the "Add Class" button and enter the fully qualified name of the class you want to adapt (for example, After you've selected your classes, you can save this selection for later use by saving a configuration file. To save a configuration file, click the "Save Config As" button and name your config file when prompted.
  7. Once you're ready to generate the Adapt-Ready application, click the "Generate A-R Application" button. After a few moments, the generated files will be available in the edu/fiu/cis/acrl/reflect/generated folder. There should be four files for each class you selected to make Adapt-Ready: a source file for the class's WrapperLevel class, a source file for the class's AbsorbingAspect (this file has a .aj extension), and the corresponding .class files for the WrapperLevel and AbsorbingAspect.
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